This past weekend, on our Haunted Spotlight (on Beyond the Edge Radio) we talked about the Tolomato Cemetery and one of the stories that we mention was that of the funeral service for a Bishop that went horribly wrong at the chapel within the cemetery. The following is a brief synopsis of that story.
It was an extremely hot summer and one of the Bishops who was held passed away. Since he was so popular, they decided to delay the funeral until mourners from the eastern United States and as far away as Cuba could come and pay their last respect. In order to keep his body from deteriorating, he was sealed in a metal lined, airtight casket fitted with a glass window, so that the “grieving could still gaze upon his noble visage.”
In those days, travel was slow, embalming was not an option yet, and it was two weeks before the Bishop’s staff decided that they had given the mourners enough time to assemble. Hundreds packed into the modest chapel in Tolomato Cemetery as the funeral mass was finally read for the Bishop.
During the High Mass, strange sounds started emanating from the coffin. The coffin itself seemed to vibrate. The audience gasped in fear and amazement. Suddenly with a thunderous cracking noise, the coffin split open and the body of the Bishop, swollen by gases caused by extensive decomposition aided by the hot Florida weather, burst into pieces, spraying the attendants with pulpy, gooey innards and soaking the whole chapel with the stench of rotting flesh.
Source of the Story
More about the Tolomato Cemetery
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