Plain and simple, PANICd.com is an on-line database of locations with reported paranormal activity. Although we have other paranormal related information on the site, the bulk of the site is the paranormal location database.
The PANICd Team is not Paranormal Investigators, we are paranormal researchers. Once we hear about the claims, we research evidence on the Internet, within books, through multimedia, or through library and historical society archives. Sometimes we may go out on location and collect research evidence as a normal paranormal investigator would, but this is for research to be added to the database.
All information within the database can be added by anyone; however, it is not displayed to the public until it is “DBA Approved”. What this means is that a PANICd Database Administrator has reviewed the information for proper formatting and source information and has approved it to be displayed to the public.
The “DBA Approval” is done for two reasons:
- To make sure that the information entered within the database is not garbage and is properly cited as to where it comes from either a direct link on the Internet or from an offline publication.
- To ensure that spam does not make its way into the database and corrupt the records.
Minimum information to be DBA APPROVED, a location must have at the least the following:
- Name and address to location (so it can be geocoded and added to the map)
- A photograph of the location (if none can be found, we have even used a snapshot of Google Maps)
- At least one history record
- At least one paranormal claim
You can always come back and additional information. Each location will have the following:
- Demographic information
- Address (required)
- Web Address (optional)
- Phone Number (optional)
- Photograph of location (required)
- History about the location (at least 1 required)
- Stories about the location
- Paranormal Claims about the location (at least 1 required)
- Evidence of the paranormal claims as:
- text (journal case log)
- photographs
- audio (EVP)
- video
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